Friday, June 29, 2007

Week 12 Wrap-Up

First and foremost, a hardy THANK YOU to the KCLS Crew that put this together.

I dragged my virtual heel at logging my progress - but the lessons were quite accessible and rewarding. Too many new tools and discoveries to say this was my favorite. I initially looked at the lessons peripherally, then moved on, then came back, repeat.

I will spend more time going over the tools/sites and only time will tell which ones will stay in my 2.0-2'lbox.

Keep up the great work - any effort to keeping us in the loop as far as emerging tools/products - web-borne or hardware - I LIKE!
("Me Talk Pretty One Day")

Week 9 Search Engines, Web 2.0 Library 2.0

I choose Rollyo for it's user-friendly and intuitive layout (ie: Dashboard). This one's a keeper. Hope I'll remember to keep playing/tinkering with this tool. Now I know where to go for my fix of string theory searches.

Rick Anderson's point about libraries shifting away from the “come to us” model of library service rings true with the development of better OPECs and down-loadable resources and the ever growing offerings of paid databases via the library website. Absolutely, the mountain needs to go to Muhammad.

Week 8 Catch-up and Play Week

RelaxAndCatchUp, aah - I Like. done.

It's terribly nice to see the South Park and in Springfield versions of myself and my fellow comrades!

Week 7 Wikis

Whew! So much information @ my beckoning. Library Success: A best practices wiki - a sprouting spring of knowledge.

Joining the collective - Done.

Times waits for no one - no favors has he. Please pardon my hasty entries -- I'm entering these blogs wiki-wiki. mmm, I can almost taste the finish line.

Week 6 Tagging, Technocrati, Folksonomies

Can't say enough about - the medical library I used to work for uses it, I use it on occasion - another great way to observe trends/emerging tools... folksonomy - whoWoDaThunk!

LibraryThing - I Like. I found many books on procrastination! Great browsing/social tool.

Week 5 MySpace and Social Networks

Libraries on myspace -- my initial reaction was: WHATthe?!
Staying relevant to our user (esp. youngsters) and being present in where the user is a very good reason to at least test the (virtual) water. Go KCLS!

OK, myspace:
so many people - so little time...mustfinishbloggg
Hope I've done this right (Don't know how to change my AIM??)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Learning 2.0 Week #4: RSS & Newsreaders

Bloglines rules. Glad it was recommended. The feeds are easy to set up and use. Now that I've had a few weeks to play with it, I would recommend this rss option to many of my family and friends that have specific information needs: car, politics, local news, outdoor etc...

I've used Stephen's Lighthouse and in the past for all things libraries, it was an easy choice for my rss feed...